То: Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001
Main office Google Earth
From: The Initiative Committee of project ‘Welcome to Sunny Burgas’
Burgas, Bulgaria
Alexander Mitev
www.alexstudio.bg, e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Sirs,
We are writing to you with the following offer for joining the launching of our project:
Project Summary:
Launching an annual project for organizing a large crowd of people (3000-5000) dressed in different colours who are to be grouped in order to make a huge sign ‘Welcome to Sunny Burgas’ on the sandy beach area of the town of Burgas, Bulgaria. GPS coordinates: 42°29'26.05"N and 27°28'56.47"E
We would like to inquire if there is any possibility to shoot the sign in a photo via Earth-Google, made from space, and then place the photo permanently (or temporarily) on the Google maps in order to indicate the city of Burgas?
Concept: the project aims at uniting the young talented people of Burgas (at school age) in order to render a message to the whole world.
Idea: to summon volunteers from Burgas schools, sports teams, arts or crafts units, who will group together and shape letters, thus making a sign-invitation ‘Welcome to Sunny Burgas’, where the word ‘Sunny’ will be in the actual shape of the sun (the text of the sign can further change every year – an annual competition could be organized for the best slogan). There will be arranged photo & video sessions in order to provide materials for further use by the local tourism.
Implication: the volunteers will wear t-shirts & baseball caps in different colours. Depending on the size of the sign (project is at start-up phase) the estimated number of participants could be between 3000 and 5000 people. At the end of the photo sessions, upon a given signal, there will be a thousand balloons filled with helium released up in the sky. Additionally, there will be concerts in the open area of the adjacent park zone (the so-called “sea garden”) which goes along the whole beach.
The professional popularizing of the event includes launching and maintaining of a website, as well as creation of project profiles in the social networks – Facebook, Twitter, Google+. There will be media coverage provided by local and national media.
The above-described happening will be performed under the aegis and official patronage of Burgas Municipality, with the support of several large companies, local & national newspapers, and e- media.
The event is scheduled for the beginning of the summer season (i.e. end of May, early June).
The town of Burgas (250 000 inhabitants) is an important industrial and cultural centre as well as a hub for winter and summer tourism within Bulgaria. There is an international airport and the city is annually visited by 1-3 million tourists going inside the country or staying in the nearby resorts, the most popular of which is ‘Sunny Beach’.
The middle point and GPS coordinates of the beach area where the Earth-Google photo will be shot are: 42°29'26.05"N and 27°28'56.47"E
We would like to ask if Google Earth would possibly be interested in becoming official co-author of the project by joining the event at a negotiated hour and shooting the sign from space in order to place it later on Google maps for free access online. Also: if the photo cannot stay permanently, could you please advise the options for keeping it online for a certain period of time?
All T-shirts (3-5000) and caps will show logos of the event’s supporters, sponsors, and media partners, among which that of Google Earth will take central place and larger format. If you agree to participate, we believe the project will raise huge interest not only by national, but also by international media. Such publicity is beneficial both for the project and for Google Earth as a co-author – millions of users would log-in to check the results!
If your company policy does not allow any partnership as described in the above offer, could you possibly advise us what other opportunities could be suggested for using Google Earth services in the manner required, and then placing the due photo temporarily or permanently on Google maps?
Please find an example (photoshop variant) of how the sign would possibly look on the beach area of Burgas.
Here is a link for the overview: http://www.alexstudio.bg/welcome-to-sunny-burgas.html
We are positive that all the people from Burgas and the nearby towns will be extremely happy and truly grateful if you join the project!
This letter is hereby rendered via email as an electronic message, and will also be sent in a paper copy to the address of your central office in California, the USA.
Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to consider our offer!
We would appreciate your timely reply - the launch is intended for May/June, 2012.
Sincerely Yours:Alexander Mitev
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001
Main office Google Earth
From: The Initiative Committee of project ‘Welcome to Sunny Burgas’
Burgas, Bulgaria
Alexander Mitev
www.alexstudio.bg, e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Sirs,
We are writing to you with the following offer for joining the launching of our project:
Project Summary:
Launching an annual project for organizing a large crowd of people (3000-5000) dressed in different colours who are to be grouped in order to make a huge sign ‘Welcome to Sunny Burgas’ on the sandy beach area of the town of Burgas, Bulgaria. GPS coordinates: 42°29'26.05"N and 27°28'56.47"E
We would like to inquire if there is any possibility to shoot the sign in a photo via Earth-Google, made from space, and then place the photo permanently (or temporarily) on the Google maps in order to indicate the city of Burgas?
Concept: the project aims at uniting the young talented people of Burgas (at school age) in order to render a message to the whole world.
Idea: to summon volunteers from Burgas schools, sports teams, arts or crafts units, who will group together and shape letters, thus making a sign-invitation ‘Welcome to Sunny Burgas’, where the word ‘Sunny’ will be in the actual shape of the sun (the text of the sign can further change every year – an annual competition could be organized for the best slogan). There will be arranged photo & video sessions in order to provide materials for further use by the local tourism.
Implication: the volunteers will wear t-shirts & baseball caps in different colours. Depending on the size of the sign (project is at start-up phase) the estimated number of participants could be between 3000 and 5000 people. At the end of the photo sessions, upon a given signal, there will be a thousand balloons filled with helium released up in the sky. Additionally, there will be concerts in the open area of the adjacent park zone (the so-called “sea garden”) which goes along the whole beach.
The professional popularizing of the event includes launching and maintaining of a website, as well as creation of project profiles in the social networks – Facebook, Twitter, Google+. There will be media coverage provided by local and national media.
The above-described happening will be performed under the aegis and official patronage of Burgas Municipality, with the support of several large companies, local & national newspapers, and e- media.
The event is scheduled for the beginning of the summer season (i.e. end of May, early June).
The town of Burgas (250 000 inhabitants) is an important industrial and cultural centre as well as a hub for winter and summer tourism within Bulgaria. There is an international airport and the city is annually visited by 1-3 million tourists going inside the country or staying in the nearby resorts, the most popular of which is ‘Sunny Beach’.
The middle point and GPS coordinates of the beach area where the Earth-Google photo will be shot are: 42°29'26.05"N and 27°28'56.47"E
We would like to ask if Google Earth would possibly be interested in becoming official co-author of the project by joining the event at a negotiated hour and shooting the sign from space in order to place it later on Google maps for free access online. Also: if the photo cannot stay permanently, could you please advise the options for keeping it online for a certain period of time?
All T-shirts (3-5000) and caps will show logos of the event’s supporters, sponsors, and media partners, among which that of Google Earth will take central place and larger format. If you agree to participate, we believe the project will raise huge interest not only by national, but also by international media. Such publicity is beneficial both for the project and for Google Earth as a co-author – millions of users would log-in to check the results!
If your company policy does not allow any partnership as described in the above offer, could you possibly advise us what other opportunities could be suggested for using Google Earth services in the manner required, and then placing the due photo temporarily or permanently on Google maps?
Please find an example (photoshop variant) of how the sign would possibly look on the beach area of Burgas.
Here is a link for the overview: http://www.alexstudio.bg/welcome-to-sunny-burgas.html
We are positive that all the people from Burgas and the nearby towns will be extremely happy and truly grateful if you join the project!
This letter is hereby rendered via email as an electronic message, and will also be sent in a paper copy to the address of your central office in California, the USA.
Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to consider our offer!
We would appreciate your timely reply - the launch is intended for May/June, 2012.
Sincerely Yours:Alexander Mitev